
Hello Dentist! is a communicating aid comprising sets of essential picture-based communication cue cards that allow those with complex communication needs to communicate with their dentists, mainly chairside in the dental surgery room. This improves communication, promote independent and reduce anxiety for patients visiting dentists and receiving dental treatments. This innovation also effectively helps patients to communicate clearer, understand and engage in activities, and recognize commands and prompts that not only make dental visits exciting, but also improve their overall quality of life.

Innovation main focus are patients with communication challenges, including speech, hearing deficiency, deaf, cognitive, or intellectual challenges due to Alzheimer's disease, autism, non-verbal, stroke, TBI, and other disabilities, or just simply language barrier problems can be very beneficial with this invention by making their dental visits more pleasant.

Objectives of Hello Dentist! are 

  1. To assist patients with complex communication needs to convey essential information about their complaints, dental health, preferences, and needs in a manner that is accessible and understandable to both the patient and the dentist.
  2. To reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and errors in dental treatment. Miscommunication can lead to incorrect diagnoses, inappropriate treatments, and overall dissatisfaction with oral health care.
  3. To streamline the dental visit process, making it more efficient and reducing anxiety for patients with complex communication needs.
  4. To empower patients and foster a sense of autonomy and involvement in their own oral health decisions.

One area of research focuses on the development and implementation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems. AAC systems are designed to support or replace verbal communication for individuals who struggle to speak or write. In the dental context, these systems may include picture boards, communication apps, or speech-generating devices. Research in this area explores the effectiveness of various AAC tools in enabling patients to express their symptoms, preferences, and treatment concerns. Studies have shown that these tools can significantly improve communication outcomes, allowing patients to participate more actively in their dental care and enhancing their overall treatment experience.

To conclude, in the realm of dental care, effective communication is pivotal for accurate diagnosis and successful treatment, particularly for patients with complex communication needs. This innovation, Hello Dentist! designed to facilitate interaction between patients and dental professionals, offers a range of benefits that enhance the overall efficiency and quality of dental services. This tool not only improves the patient experience but also contributes to operational efficiency and resource management within dental practice.

Name of association/organization
Klinik Pergigian Kota Samarahan
Name of activity(ies)
Innovation: 'Hello Dentist!' A Dental Flip Cards for Patients with Complex Communication Needs
Type of activity(ies)

1.4611379, 110.4738762

Number of activity(ies)
Number of participants (in activities)




Kota Samarahan
94300 Samarahan

Klinik Pergigian Kota Samarahan