Campaign theme 2025
A Happy Mouth is... A Happy Mind

From 2024 to 2026, Toothie, FDI’s beloved mascot takes the centre stage in an exciting movie-inspired journey. This year, we want you to join Toothie on a transformative journey where prioritizing oral health leads to better mental health and quality of life. Stay tuned for the adventures that lie ahead.
A happy mouth represents many aspects of well-being, and we began our journey by exploring the links between oral health and physical health.
As we enter the second year of our campaign, FDI shifts the focus this time spotlighting how a happy mouth contributes to a happy mind. The campaign will address another vital topic: the connection between oral health and mental well-being.
So, join us once again as we continue this important journey, this time spotlighting how a happy mouth contributes to a happy mind.
Use the campaign materials to run your own WOHD activities and events.