PaFein+ Erasmus Project: Pain-free Dentistry for Children


PaFein+ is a holistic educational project designed for dental professionals, students, educators, and parents, aimed at transforming children's dental experiences through modern strategies for anxiety, caries, and pain management, promoting a more comfortable, pain-free approach to dental care.

Through PaFein+ seminars, workshops, and digital learning opportunities, the project equips stakeholders with the knowledge and skills to create a positive and stress-free dental environment for children and parents.

Name of association/organization
Marmara University
Name of activity(ies)
PaFein+ Educational Erasmus Project
Type of activity(ies)
Social media campaign

40.9684122, 29.1416327

Number of activity(ies)
Number of participants (in activities)
Activity Audiovisuals
Activity date(s)
1-Dissemination Activities:

*Leaflet Preparation, Webpage Development:, Instagram: #pafeinplus
*‘PaFein+ Eğitim Modeli ile Çocuklarda Ağrısız Dişhekimliği’ İDO, İstanbul Meeting (22-23 March 2024).
* ‘MIH ‘A puzzle still to solve’ in Queen Mary University of London, UK, London. 29 February, 2024.
*Prof. Sarap Larisa ‘QLF in Early Diagnostic and Monitoring of Dental Hard Tissue Status and Treatment Dynamics’ 28March 2024,MU
* IADR 13-16March2024 New Orleans, USA.
*International Prevent from Caries Symposium(5th ed) (5-7 May 2024)Istanbul,Türkiye
*MIS International Society for Minimum Intervention Denistry(29 June 2024)Madrid, Spain.
*Dental Traumatology, WDTC 2024, Tokyo, Japan
*CED/NOF-IADR(12-14 September 2024)Geneva, Switzerland

2-Award-winning Presentation :A novel behaviour guidance technique: ‘The pediatric quiz game for the management of dentally anxious children-A pilot
study (7. EAPD12-15 June 2024)Göteburg, Sweden earning an award SVK Sedation Award

3- Workshop at GC Campus, Istanbul,Turkiye(2 September 2024)
Pain-Free Injection Workshop for Istanbul Kent University 4th Grade Students(May 2024)

4-Online Course and Workshop for Erasmus Students(23 July 2024)
5-Video Promotion: Times Square Video Promotion (22 March 2024) New York,USA (
6-Instagram webinar for Association of Pediatric Dentists(12 September2024)
7-Preparation and broadcasting of the PaFein+ Project Video on You Tube (
8- Project Meeting and MI Seminar- October 2024 Bambino Gesu Hospital Italy
9- PaFein+ Istanbul Seminar and Workshop 11 Jan 2025
10- PaFein+ Bucharest Seminar and Workshop 8 Feb 2025
11- PaFein+ Rome Seminar and Workshop 14 March 2025
Press coverage details
A press release was prepared during 8th March 2024 Istanbul Kick-off Meeting



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BaşıbüyükSağlık Yerleşkesi 9/3
34584 Maltepe/İstanbul

Marmara University