The Faculty of Dentistry-The British University in Egypt-Oral Health Day 2025 Mega Event


Faculty of Dentistry at The British University in Egypt is celebrating the World Oral Heath Day 2025 highlighting the theme Happy Mouth is a Happy Mind, with raising awareness through many activities including, dental convoys, awareness campaigns, school and orphanages visits and burnout stress event.

  • Burnout stress event  will be held on 20th of February at The British University in Egypt, Library area. The event is  designed to promote well-being and relaxation among students, through the following activities:

-Yoga sessions, Therapy sessions by a Psychiatric, Pottery Workshop & Paintings, Music, Bag making, Candle making, Board games and Giveaways.

  • The hold of closing for the celebration will be a mega event on the 17th of April in the luxurious auditorium at The British university in Egypt campus , which will include the following activities:

- Indoors activities:

Dental convoys review presentation and video.
Daily dental awareness targeting our patient’s review video. 
Stress burnout event review video.

Presentations on the idea of “happy mouth happy mind”
Talk about Migraine and its relation with the concept of happy mouth 
happy mind.

- Outdoors activities: 
Interns comprehensive cases posters.

Kids awareness stations .

Exhibition showing dentition projects and models. 
Photo booth with toothie.

  •  Dental Convoys directed to:

-Hagar Assas, El Shourok, Cairo Governerate

-Ezbet el Nakhl, El Matarya, Northern region of Cairo

-Menofia Governerate

-57375 Hospital for treating cancer patient

-Ras Gharib, Marsa Alam, Red Sea Governerate





El Sherouk City, Suez Desert Road, Cairo 11837 - P.O. Box 43
El Sherouk
Cairo Governorate

The British University in Egypt, Faculty of dentistry